About us

About us

UNSCRIPTED is an international platform that enables life science researchers, wherever they are in the world, to develop the data-driven research skills they need.

The content and coaching we provide equip them with the knowledge and skill-set required to make sense of their data using tools including programming, data visualization, data management and statistics. There are many resources that talk at length about how to prepare a data analysis plan, or how to examine data sets for drivers, helping you take your research to the next level, however, requires more than just skills in data preparation and statistical analysis. It requires institutional buy-in, policy integration, and resource allocation.

We want our programs and networks to become the largest online resource for life science researchers who are looking to enhance their data skills enabling them to ask challenging research questions or use their data in new ways. We believe in the democratization of data skills and promote the idea of “being data-driven” in academia and research in general.

We aim to help researchers in academia and industry free their minds and take better informed decisions by leveraging the power of data analysis. After many years of carefully crafted curriculum and course design plus our experience as researchers and regularly working with scientists and data teams all over the world, we have developed a reputation as educators who maintain their courses to an extraordinarily high standard.

We regularly tweak our content to meet the needs of scientists and to demonstrate the latest techniques and the best tools available. We are committed to helping life science researchers at all stages develop the data-driven research skills that will enhance their ability to advance their own careers and help them understand, negotiate and contribute effectively to research communities. To reflect this ethos, we believe strongly in supporting researchers at every stage of their career (Postdoc, Ph.D., Postdoc+, Clinician/Researcher, etc.).

While Data Science covers a wide range of topics, our specialization in life sciences has led to us developing a unique approach for a curriculum designed for researchers, focusing on how to use data effectively to answer significant questions that contribute to challenge hypothesis driven research.


The name "Unscripted" was chosen for our membership site because it reflects the constantly evolving nature of research and the unpredictability that comes with it. Research is not a static process, and there are always new discoveries, challenges, and opportunities that arise. We believe that staying alert and open to new ideas and perspectives is crucial for success in research, which is why we named our site "Unscripted." By bringing together a diverse group of experts and exploring a wide range of topics, from data and vaccinology to management and strategy, we hope to inspire innovation and help our members stay ahead of the curve in this dynamic field.

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